Scale Gliding
Pizza Box
NEAT 2004
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Radio-Control Airplanes

Miscellany Ornithopters | Aerial photography | Miscellania

Launch, Hell's Canyon (1')

Epic, Hell's Canyon (7')

Tim Mills' IMAC routine (7')
Glider bungee-launch at Memaloose Airstrip, Hell's Canyon, Oregon, July 2004.
Most pilots preferred to hand-launch into the 7000 foot chasm.

Zagi scratching for lift over the gaping void. "I think I can, I think I can..."

Tim Mills rehearsing an IMAC routine at the Screaming Eagles field,
Plainfield IN, June 2004. Wild Hare Extra (105 in. span, BME 110 cc, 28 lbs).
Only the soundtrack and the camera shake hint at the 20 mph gusts
that Tim's slow rolls and rolling circles absorb. © 2025 Camille Goudeseune